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First Step Productions was created in 2008 as an effort to further promote the influence and impact of community theater in Las Vegas.  His talent set has taken him from performer to choreographer to director.  After being given the opportunity to hone his own craft through local theater organizations, he felt compelled to give back to the local community and establish another generation of theater in Las Vegas. 


The purpose of First Step Productions is to produce professional quality theater while providing an exciting and educational environment to the community. It will offer the community a variety of popular productions and provide a viable creative outlet for local talent, directors and producers by presenting a broad and diverse range of shows that serve to enhance the area’s culture as a whole.


To ensure the success of First Step, Keith has already acknowledged and embraced the unlimited benefits of collaboration and cooperation with seasoned theater production veterans and aspiring new talent.  This will aid in propelling the company forward and allowing it to further enhance the cultural experience available to its audiences and its vast creative population. Ultimately, the company will provide rehearsal and production space as well as educational opportunities for the community.  Immediate plans are the development of an interactive web site. 

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